Beware - the men in black are watching you
Dizzy Cat
JoinedPosts by Dizzy Cat
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by Dizzy Cat in.
beware - the men in black are watching you .
Should I "come out" to my JW mum?
by Sirona infirst of all, i'm not gay so its not *that* sort of coming out.
question is: "should i tell my jw mum that i am now a pagan"?.
i'm one of those unusual (stupid?
Dizzy Cat
Well if your lifestyle expands, she will notice eventually. If you feel brave enough, tell her now, as in the long run it will save both of you from mucho grief ! Ontop of finding out you hold a set of beliefs that she finds intolerable she will also feel that you have been lying to her and leading a double life. Not the kind of information any mother likes to hear about her child.
Hmm... its a toughy. I feel sorry for you. If I was to tell my mother (she is not even a JW) I think even she would be wary of me and my friends from that point onwards. I know she would have visions of me lurking around graveyards, spiking babies on poles.
Maybe your mother will reject you on one level, because she will see you as choosing 100% Satan's side in the great universal battle in her head.
Dizzy Cat
by els inplease read your response in stormbringer's "jah" thread and then your response in my "jws behavior on 9-11" thread on nov. 18.. maybe you were just having a bad day but your comment to me bordered on sarcastic and it really surprised me.
i was just "seeking some genuine information" and yet you didn't seem concerned about the board "losing touch" with me.
how can you criticize others responses when your's was very similar?
Dizzy Cat
Fair point.
I am trying to remain balanced on this board and try not to take one side too heavily over the other. So if I appear sarcastic, it is probably because this is a faceless way of communication. Sorry if I offended your feelings. I did have a serious point to make and it did come across with a touch of sarcasm.
I still have contact with a brother & sister who are practising JWs and love them both dearly. They are really nice people and are not too bogged down in the whole JW mindset, so as not to have a heart towards everybody they touch in life. As I kind of said - they too bleed, the same as you & I. Not to drag the topic up again, but if they were at hand during September 11th, they would have helped where they could. Certainly, I would be shocked if they would have pulled down the blinds!
I feel it is important to be balanced, some of the blatant slagging off that goes on here, does get me down when I read through the threads on occasion. I have been involved in this myself, although the way I feel at the moment makes we want to take a gentler path with a little more consideration towards everybody - JWs, ex-JWs, whoever.
As you say, we all have bad days and post accordingly. Today I am relatively happy, so offer you a chocolate muffin by way of universal friendship & peace.
by stormbringer inyou people know deep down that all that you were taught is beggining to happen.....all the world leaders are doing are just fulfilling prophecy.
stop fooling yourselves!!!!
Dizzy Cat
I think the problem with the sarcastic approach to threads like this, is that basically, nobody wins. The guy who originally posted gets pounded into the floor and if he/she was ever going to post again, then now its very unlikely. This board then loses touch with another person who maybe seeking some genuine information.
Shame... .. .
by stormbringer inyou people know deep down that all that you were taught is beggining to happen.....all the world leaders are doing are just fulfilling prophecy.
stop fooling yourselves!!!!
Dizzy Cat
I am assuming that StormBringer is refering to the recent US/Iraq situation, as the turn around at present is quite unusual. But as always, we do not know collectively what has gone on behind the scenes and who really has a vested interest in this current stale mate. It may also blow up at any time and turn really nasty for all concerned.
He may also be refering to the UN Security Council and it's current ongoing effort to unite the world under a cloak of security, which is enforced by many nations. Notably the US now seem to be stepping into line.
Yes, taking these issues on the surface, does lead my mind back to the studies I did years ago. I still have a vague interest in the prophecies that I taught others, although I tend to be far more sceptical with my current reasoning ability.
You are right though, out4good3, it is doubtful that this person will post again, only take a look at the thread and probably get a sense of "spiritual" fulfillment, thinking that God's work has been done. I would have been the same a few years back.
There are many other issues that need addressing, like for instance, the validity of the Bible record, the WTBS timeline and whether it is as accurate as they lead others to believe... etc... etc
Wouldn't the site be interesting if we could have civil conversations with practising Witnesses who would be willing to enage their minds and debate, rather than as you say, perform "a drive by".
Edited by - Dizzy Cat on 20 November 2002 10:20:46
by nickpark inh. baptism by spirit.
in such things there is christian freedom.
each time a group gets together remind everyone that having one or more new groups is a a good and anticipated goal and that you will do whatever you can to help them with such growth.
Dizzy Cat
I'm starting to feel sad for Nick/Nancee ... this crusade will lead nowhere. It may convince a few Bible hungry travellers to hook up with the ideas for a while, but it all sounds very manic/obsessive and not dissimilar to the way the WTS teaches & preaches.
Why not leave this around over the holiday period? Because 99.9% of the people I know would think "crackpot". Personally my days of forcing bits of paper with mumbo-jumbo written all over it onto people or property died a few years ago.
Take onboard the Christian qualities, lead your life in a fine way if you choose and teach others by example. If I were to be Christian, that would be my way. Most people have access to a Bible and are quite capable of reading "The Good News" and picking up the personality of Christ. Is there really a need to force our own ideas about custom/tradition down peoples throats?
As a Christian I would never celebrate Christmas, for example. Clearly a Pagan ritual. But according to the gospel of Park & co' - it is acceptable.... etc etc Your ideas, your way, not the way of everybody has to live. the same goes for your other theories.
Love & peace & a chocolate muffin to you
(your posts never bother me, so carry on, I like to read them, even though I can't stomach the spirit of them without a moan at you)
Computer games are from the Devil
by ignored_one insorry guys.
but the old guys in brooklyn have decided that you're spending far too much time enjoying yourself.
see aw 12/22/02 for details.
Dizzy Cat
I am doomed - I've just been playing Buffy on the XBox
JWs behavior on 9-11
by els ini keep reading references to jws drawing the blinds, etc during the attacks on 9-11. does anyone have concrete accounts of such behavior?
Dizzy Cat
Even JWs are human. Try not to clutch at straws looking for justification for walking away from the Borg'anization, feeling happy and righteous as you go.
My remaining friends in the org' would not turn their backs on suffering when witnessed.
We all bleed the same. Believe it or not.
I need your combined thoughts please !!
by Dizzy Cat ini have a problem, which i would like your thoughts on please.
5 years ago i spoke to a close sister about an elderly brother who had made a terrible series of confessions to her.
one of these confessions is alarming and has resonated a sense of horror through me for years.
Dizzy Cat
I had a long chat with the ex-sister last night and we feel at this stage that presenting the information to the police may be the best way to proceed at this point. They can take a look at the situation and assess the risks involved for further offences being committed.
I understand your points about forgiveness Aguest, but it is the thought at present that many of these people go on to offend again. Once they cross the line and have a taste for sexual dominance over minors, it stays there for life. Many recent studies support this idea. Another frined of mine is working with the West Midlands Police helping proof read a series of reports that will be released in book form next year. It is this other friend who is now involved.
So for now, the matter is in hand.
Photoshop Fun
by JH indoes anyone know anything about adobe photoshop?
well, you can do alot with this tool.
actually you can modify all kinds of pictures you have in your computer.
Dizzy Cat
In a subtle way the innocent thread turns into a Holocaust reference